Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Real Housewives of Jersey Shore's Big Flavor of Love

I try my very best to write about things that perhaps somewhere deep down I can find some sort of reason as to why it's popular. This next topic though, boggles my mind. When you sit down on your couch after a long day and want nothing more than to be entertained, what is it that you look for? Cartoons are normally a pretty good choice in what to watch. Sports are an excellent thing to get obsessed about to forget your daily grind. Now while these are rather entertaining and understandable, I wonder... Where the hell did these reality shows come from and what the hell makes them so addictive to people?

"Let's see what's on Tv that will make my brains leak from my nose."

The reality Tv show genre became large thanks to a fun show called Survivor. Basically, we take people from the states, and drop them in a place where there is no running water, no electricity, no safety from bugs, and no way of escape. You know, Kenya or something. The show gained huge amounts of success watching these people trying to acclimate to the harsh environment, battling each other in order to win 1000000 dollars that Kenya would have much rather have. 

First World Problems comes to mind here.

Ok, Survivor had danger and stakes and intense moments where people were actually getting hurt. It makes sense that that was made pop culture. I'm sure the question that we will be asked when we are older is just how did JERSEY FREAKING SHORE become popular?

If I wanted to watch over tan people yell at each other, I'd go to the beach parking lot. The intellectual capacity of all the cast together doesn't even scratch the surface of the child that will be asking you about it. Watching this show is like watching a couple of drunks on the side of the road that enjoy peeing on each other. Snooki..... Just let that roll on your tongue for a second... Snooki and The Situation. You know what, I'm putting this to bed, point made, I win.

They have your money though so they win...
My point is simple. Reality shows takes things like Teen Pregnancies and being trapped in a house with other people like some glorified battle that needs to be told to the world. How bout instead of giving these stupid people our money, let's watch documentaries of ACTUAL people who have amazing stories. Ever seen a reality show of a homeless shelter helping people? No. Seen a show that has a girl getting a party that could put the academy awards a run for it's money? You know it. I weep for the future of television.

On a plus note, because I love you all.

because it is the internet.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly think audiences were happy to find a group of people that were way dumber than the average American citizen. It's one of those "knowing how bad they have it makes me feel better about my unimpressive self" kinds of thing.
